Friday, September 9, 2011
I'm Just Saying!: Lately...
Lately, I’ve been thinking about apologizing for being myself. I’ve been thinking letting go of everything till I had nothing left. Lately I’ve been thinking about telling you that you can do far much better than me, if you took that as a compliment that’s wasn’t what it was intended to be! Lately I’ve been thinking about getting things off my chest just venting about the way I feel till there’s nothing left. Lately I have been wondering what could have been if I would have went with my heart and not my head. Lately I’ve been wondering what it would be like if you weren’t dead. Lately I have been manic and full of panic. Lately I think a lot at night. Lately I haven’t seemed as bright. Lately I feel like things are out of control. Lately I feel like I’m uncomfortable with life as a whole. Lately I can’t believe how far I’ve come. Lately I can’t feel the love. Lately I feel like a sad song but lately I feel like singing anyway.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Friday, May 6, 2011
Perception isn't reality
Perception is reality is the mantra of the ignorant, its the paradigm of the mainstream so you better believe in it. People are cowards and hide behind their inadequacies and thats what gives them the right to criticize me. Whatever happened to making an informed decision, to gathering all the facts before you before you give someone a negative reputation. See here's the thing you never get a second chance to make a first impression, however you have several subsequent chances to make a good impression. But if someone forms their entire opinion around your first impression and then influences others into buying into their flawed logic, there in lies the problem with the "mantra of the ignorant." There is a small amount of truth in the phrase perception is reality, however there is also a small amount of truth in the statement there are a couple of drops of water in the ocean. I'm just sayin!